How Kinetix Transformed Alexandria Pineville Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Image

Rebranding Transformed Client’s Image
Rebranding can make a big difference in a company’s image. Our marketing department at Kinetix recently completed a successful rebrand for the Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. This project shows how rebranding transformed their image and boosted their visibility and awareness.

Background and Overview

Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau came to us wanting a rebrand. They needed to refresh their brand and have a professional website that was easy to navigate. The “What Are You Doing Here?” campaign launched by Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau was not just about changing a logo; it was a journey that brought new energy to the Alexandria/Pineville community. The campaign’s creativity was evident in how it engaged local businesses, organizations, and partners, including the Alexandria Airport and the Alexandria Mall. This collaborative effort made it a true community initiative.

Objectives and Goals

The main goals of the rebranding were to redesign the logo, refresh the color scheme, and create a cohesive brand message. We wanted to show off the area’s attractions and events in a new, exciting way. By including local photographers’ work and making the website a hub for all things Alexandria/Pineville, we ensured the brand felt authentic and connected to the community.

Strategy and Process

Our strategy started with market research. We looked at Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau’s target audience, competitors, and industry trends. We then developed a new logo, updated the color scheme, and refined the brand message. The step-by-step process included collaborating with Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau’s team to make sure the changes matched their vision. We also involved local businesses and organizations to add depth and authenticity to the campaign.

Key Changes

The rebranding included several major changes: a new logo to modernize Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau’s values, a modern color scheme to attract their target audience, and a unified brand message that clearly communicates their mission. These changes aimed to improve Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau’s market position and brand recognition.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the biggest challenges was making sure the new brand elements appealed to both existing customers and new ones. We overcame this by involving Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau in key decisions and running focus groups to get feedback. This teamwork ensured the rebrand was well-received by everyone.

Client Collaboration

Throughout the rebranding process, we at Kinetix worked closely with Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. Katie Vanderlick, the Executive Director of Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, said, “Kinetix worked diligently to make it all happen for us. They were extremely patient and made this experience exciting and fun! They helped create a buzz with intentional marketing and the publicity we received behind the new brand was more than we could have hoped.”

Results and Impact

The rebrand led to immediate improvements. Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau ‘s social media engagement and following more than doubled, showing the success of the campaign. Their updated website, now a hub for local events and attractions, boosted community engagement and visitor awareness. The campaign’s involvement of the community and partnerships with other businesses were instrumental in generating more visitors to the area, thereby boosting local revenue and awareness.

Future Implications

The rebrand has set a strong foundation for the future. We plan to support Alexandria Pineville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau in maintaining and building upon their new brand image. The long-term benefits include increased engagement, sales, and brand recognition. This rebrand has reinvigorated the Alexandria/Pineville area, making it a vibrant and exciting destination for visitors and locals alike. Rebranding can transform a company, leading to better market position and customer engagement. If you’re thinking about a rebrand, Kinetix can help you achieve similar success. For more information about our marketing and design services, visit our website at Kinetix.